Line dancing weekends in Dorset & Wiltshire

About Us

Welcome to our website, where you can find everything you  need to know about Corinne Rick and Mike and details of our  line dance weekends at The Marsham Court Hotel  Bournemouth. 

We hold these weekends twice a year and they are a great  chance for you to let your hair down while leaving all your  worries at home. 

Every weekend we welcome back friends from all over the country who have enjoyed the weekends so much that they have been regulars and very good friends. Not only do we welcome back all our regulars but we are more than happy for newcomers  to join us too. The more the merrier. 

You will find information regarding our forthcoming events in the events section. Details of the classes and socials we go to in  Salisbury and Socials sections respectively. 

Corinne and Mike have been line dancing for over 20 years,  joined a few years later by her husband Rick. 

Corinne and Rick have been teaching for around seven years at Pitton/Winterslow Village Halls, catering for absolute beginners  upwards, and we all go to various other classes during the week. 

We also organise charity events during the year, see events page for details, everyone welcome.